Monday, October 11, 2010

Annotated Reading List

"Mass Effect: Ascension" focuses on the story of scientist of the Ascension program for biotics, Kahlee Sanders, and pro-human terrorist group member, Paul Grayson. The ruthless pro-human group, Cerberus, wishes to put humanity in a position over the other alien races of the Milky Way. Paul worked as an assassin for the group before raising a girl with astonishing biotic potential, Gillian. Raising Gillian as his own, Paul follows the instructions of Cerberus' leader, the Illusive Man, to act as the young biotic's family while she studies at Grissom Academy in the Ascension program. The power of a biotic who surpasses all other humans would give Cerberus a major advantage when asserting humanity at the top of the galactic community. Space travel represents one of the greatest achievement of humans and the chance of other life forms in space becomes more likely each day. The way humanity handles the interaction between species could result in the demise or total rule of humans in the galaxy. Will humans be able to handle politics of space if the politics of just own home planet can be devastating to the race. (342)

Karpyshyn, Drew. Mass Effect: Ascension. New York: Del Rey/Ballantine, 2008. Print.

Continuing the story of Paul Grayson and Kahlee Sanders, "Mass Effect: Retribution" features another attempt by Cerberus to exploit a chance to advance the human race up the political ladder of galactic politics. The events in this book happen after the video game, Mass Effect. The pro-human group, Cerberus, acquire the technology left in the wreckage after the battle at the political center, the Citadel. The alien machinery contains technology greatly more advanced then the entire galaxy's technology. Cerberus views the machines as a chance to prepare for an alien invasion. Paul Grayson, after freeing his daughter from Cerberus' grasp, becomes a human experiment of melded organic and synthetic life. Kahlee Sanders receives a desperate message before Grayson is captured and rushes to liberate Paul from the monstrous atrocity he may become. The way to overwhelming power can come in various places and times. Limits of the person or group searching for the power restrict the lengths that can be taken to reach the power. Cerberus desires galactic control by any means. In the same way, tyrants of our past attempted to control the planet through brutal conquest. The same goals could be achieved by peace. (368)

Karpyshyn, Drew. Mass Effect: Retribution. Del Rey, 2010. Print.

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