"The New Atlantis » Human Cloning and Scientific Corruption." The New Atlantis - A Journal of Technology & Society. Winter 2006. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
The internet has changed the way people communicate and go through their daily lives. The use of the internet changed the wiring of the brain. Many people have gone from reading very long books to reading a series of short articles that connect together in the same thoughts. Technologies in "Brave New World" caused the world to have different ideas about controversial topics like cloning that became normal activities with no thought against the usage. The world changed faster with the more technology gained after the 20th century. The events and civilization in "Brave New World" may be rapidly approaching us by using the internet to spread ideas that are read and commented on easily. The possibility of Huxley's prediction coming faster than he thought with the internet being a major catalyst.
Harris, John. "How the Internet Is Altering Your Mind | Technology | The Guardian." Latest News, Comment and Reviews from the Guardian | Guardian.co.uk. 20 Aug. 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
The computer and internet changed the world like other technologies. Newspapers and physicals CD sales dropped with their online versions becoming available. Complete books have only recently become as mobile as music and the internet with the invention of the Kindle and other similar e-book readers. E-book readers can potentially be purchased like music with only pages or chapters being viewed. The internet and e-book reader change the thinking of the world as many people from different parts of the world are able to discuss over one idea or book. In "Brave New World", ideas were exclusively transferred by the people if any change did occur since books were taken away from the public. Could the e-book reader be the way to become more technologically advanced while still spreading the same ideas that books used to spread.
Johnson, BySteven. "How the E-Book Will Change the Way We Read and Write - WSJ.com." Business News & Financial News - The Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com. 20 Apr. 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
Cloning the cells of animals and plants has been possible for years but, the world is still split on the decision to support the cloning of humans. The Western world's progress became hampered by religious viewpoints protesting against the cloning of human embryos. The Eastern world supports the research of the cloning of human cells with their main religions supporting the research. The cloning done in "Brave New World" was only possible with the loss of religion in the world created. The debate over cloning did not need to happen in the world of Alphas and Epsilons since there were no values conflicting with the ideas. With the slowing of progress in most of our world, the cloning done in "Brave New World" may never happen or only happen if the world chooses to get rid of religion.
Tierney, John. "The New York Times Log In." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 20 Nov. 2007. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
Volkow, Nora D. ""Drugs, Brains, and Behavior - The Science of Addiction" - Drug Abuse and Addiction." NIDA. 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.