Thursday, December 17, 2009

Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales Of H.P. Lovecraft

The Necronomicon puts together the best of H.P. Lovecraft throughout the year with writing from throughout his career. The Necronomicon's stories shattered the normal of its time and inspired many writers during the later part of the 1900's.

The Necronomicon has stories around the world with the focused area being New England. The characters in the book experience their horrors in dark, damp places with terrors lurking in each corner waiting to cause them pain or snap their mental sanity. H.P. Lovecraft details his stories with gruesome detail to the grotesque areas his places his characters in.

The main theme of all the stories is how people can be fortunate to not remember their terrible ordeals and the limits of the human brain to handle terror. Later stories go into a supernatural force that desires to destroy the world. The later stories emphasizes that Earth is barely a speck in the vast universe.

The characters range from simple farmers to educated doctors. Each either barely escapes his terror with his sanity, breaks down into a blabbering husk, or does not return at all.

The Necronomicon inspires the horror genre. I recommend this book or any of the stories contained inside the pages.

Et tu, Brute?

Throughout his life, William Shakespeare entertained the masses of people in London for years with his plays that continue to be preformed. Julius Caesar was the first of his many plays written and preformed. Julius Caesar is a classic that will continue to be performed for many years.

The play detailing the events just before and after the death of Julius Caesar. The setting is Rome during just after Caesar returns from his conquests through Western parts of the Mediterrean. Julius Caesar, when the play was first performed, drew in the Londoners due to their fascination with the Roman and Greek people.

The play contains all the elements of a Shakespear play from solioquies to obvious ways around the limited space to use for the play. Julius Caesar was a first of a immortal playwriter and should be at least read by people today.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I Wish A List, Yes A List

I demand a list of grievances of snake haters as my snake has seen complete intolerance in just the thought of him. This list should include the following:
1. An apology to me and my snake
2. Money for his food
3. Time to see my snake
4. An actual reason to hate a non-venomous snake with no fangs

This list will be required in my hand by the end of the year or punishment will go out.

Leaders Leading

A leader can be just acknowledged as the one who has the most sense of a group generally. A true leader, however, sparks inspiration into his or her group into achieving greatness or surviving long enough for the day to come for a change in their dire situation.

One leader who was just a leader is one of the largely unknown kings. He is not remembered for anything but holding the country together until finally something significant happened to his country.

A true leader can be in thought like Ghandi or in a physical sense like George Washington. Both definitely spoke inspiration though Ghandi used pure though and George Washington later went to defeat the British in combat.

Leaders can be great or mediocre, although, none are truly weak as they do hold the burden of five to billions of lives.

Mind States

Playing a few games, I wondered what state of mind would an actual person need to be in to say doom their entire home that they were born into. Of course, there are external forces in games such as demons or magic, there are real thoughts and objects that could symbolize those.

Some people are thought to just be pure evil in their nature. Those people could spread their hatred into others, forming a "demon". Words act as a form of realities "magic".

There of course is the much simpler mind state of the hero.

Heroes shine a radiance throughout them. Shunning evil, although some twists have become more common, with a righteous fury or even sometimes self righteous fury. The hero fights the unknown for everything they stand for without flinching.

With all the inspiration of this topic in a story, I still wonder if all the real world evils had some relation to some of the fiction evils such as Hitler or a martyr.

I am thankful.....

As this was written around Thanksgiving, I thought of the things I was thankful for. With nothing popping out that did not sound terrible or overused, I finally decided on a few things. I am thankful for the fact my country isn't as terrible as it seems at times although it could use major improvements, there aren't bombs being dropped physically on this land.

Another thing I am thankful for is the freedom of artists to make whatever they choose. This is mainly movies and music for me since they are some of the best life enhancers I have during my week.

A last thing I am thankful for is how I don't really have to do much compared to the past or some places now. I generally do what I want and not need to do...generally