Friday, April 1, 2011

To Raise the Status of Teachers

The lower status of teachers originates from deep, enrooted problems of society, such as the ability and want to switch out products that still work effectively. Timothy Daly in his response to the article ", How to Raise the Status of Teachers," called the switching of teachers the "widget effect." Teachers at Batesville High School educate more effectively than their peers, yet those teachers appear the same as the other less efficient educators. The teachers with better abilities can be switched with less effective teachers. The habit to switch out an old product with a newer one has bled into other parts of the world. This habit causes teachers to be tossed around by the school system even though their method of teaching outstandingly works more than their replacement. If teacher abilities affect their job position, teachers who are not able to perform as well may become jobless and add to more problems of the country and the world. The teachers underperforming, however, should be even more encouraged to do well in order to not be caught in a switching and trash society.