The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey shows a pathway to success as a common teen. 7 Habits dredges through its examples with the author's opinion on every page.
While all the habits only give ideas to some, habit 2 - begin with the end in mind attacks many people's way of life as they go through their life on instinct and impulse. This is not the only part of the book that focuses on one way of life the author sees as unhealthy and destructive. Many parts of the book feel like the same repeated warnings and sayings teens have heard from every adult in their life. The author portrays himself as a faucet of knowledge that needs to be listened to for success in someone's life.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey is an adknowledged source of self-help by many reviewers. This book, however, is falsely praised and I do not recommend this book.