Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bubbles of Fire

In Pre-AP Chemistry on Wednesday, the class was going normal with things being passed back out and worksheets being handed out for the first time to be done with work about the elements printed on all parts of the worksheets. Near the end, my teacher told the class that he was going to set up an activity that we would probably enjoy closer to the end of class. This activity happened to be lighting bubbles full of natural gas on fire.

The bubbles were made by putting natural gas through regular bubbles that little kids would play with. When everyone who wanted to try handling the bubbles, we proceeded to try and make a chain of bubbles so that the flame would go down a line of about 15 people. The chain died two times and didn't reach the end of the line like it could have if every had gotten bubbles before they started to go away.

This made me want to deal with fire for the rest of the day as the singed hairs on my arm were a constant reminder to my nose that i had dealt with the flame earlier in the day.